The Use of Diuretics on Hepatic Cirrhosis Patient with Ascites

Didik Hasmono


Background: Hepatic cirrhosis with ascites complication increases the mortality up to 50% in a matter of years. Diuretics are a class of drugs that are often used as choices. The pattern of diuretics use of hepatic cirrhosis patient with ascites in the hospital needs to be studied further because if the use is not appropriate, it will potentially lead to drug related problems that affect patient management. Aim: to examine the pattern of diuretics use of hepatic cirrhosis patient with ascites which undergoing treatment in the hospital inpatient unit. Method: a descriptive and retrospective study using medical records. Criteria for inclusion of the sample were (1) Hepatic cirrhosis patient with ascites complication (2) Age> 20 years (3) Receive diuretic therapy (4) Complete medical record. The exclusion criteria were patient who was hospitalized for less than 3 days. Study samples were recorded on the data collection sheet. Sampling with time limited sampling method. Result: The total number of patients who met the inclusion criteria was 45 patients. The diuretics which most used was furosemide, both in single doses and in combination with Spironolactone. The hepatic cirrhosis patient with ascites in this study not only received diuretic therapy, but patient also received other drugs that used to prevent and overcome complication. In drug interaction, the potential use of Spironolactone with Potassium (KCl or KSR) preparation increases the risk of hyperkalemia. Conclusion: Most of the diuretic therapies obtained by hepatic cirrhosis patient with those who were hospitalized which have been in accordance with the available guidelines.

Keywords: As cites, Drug Related Problems, Diuretics, Hepatic Cirrhosis.

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