Regularities of Organometric Characteristics of Cerebellum in Young and old Age

Irina A Balandina


Background: The interest in morphological studies of cerebellum in different periods of postnatal
ontogenesis is steadily increasing. The most acute lack of age anatomy data exists for elderly patients.
Since the information on structural peculiarities of cerebellum and its cortex at old age is poorly
represented in literature, being also contradictory in many ways, the study underlying the current paper
was dedicated to this issue. Aims: The purpose of the study was to find regularities of age-related
changes in organometric parameters of cerebellum and structural organization of its cortex at old age as
compared to the young age at old age as using necropsy material. Methods: The paper is based on
morphological study of cerebellums of 219 human corpses (108 male and 111 female) of young and old
ages using organometric, histological and morphometric research methods. The study included
comparative analysis of the mass, linear dimensions, thickness of the cerebellar cortex in young and old
ages. Results: The regularities of age variability of organometric characteristics of cerebellum were
identified, manifested in reduction of its weight and linear dimensions in people of senile age compared
to younger people. It was found that the thickness of molecular and granular layer of cerebellum is
characterized by age-related decrease in parameters. Conclusions: The results of this morphological
study can serve as a basis for identifying specific regularities of age anatomy of cerebellum and have
practical significance as standard indicators, which will allow using these data for diagnostic and
therapeutic purposes.

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