Mathematical Design of the Experiment in the Development of Technology of Beeswax obtaining from Propolis
In present material the development of the technology of purified beeswax obtaining from propolis, which meets modern physical-chemical and therapeutic requirements, using a various models of mathematical design of the experiment has been shown.
In this work a petroleum-ether fraction of propolis containing a beeswax products was used. While analyzing of the obtained fraction, lipids and some other high-molecular compounds of unqualified structure are extracted in parallel, as well as an insignificant number of the γ-pyrone derivatives.
In this connection, the development of the condition of beeswax obtaining from this fraction, which is maximally purified from the related substances was reasonable. For this purpose a series of classical methods of fractionally differentiated extraction followed by fractions evaporation in a vacuum was used. In addition, methods of precipitation using a some organic solvents were used.
The optimal conditions of the technology of purified beeswax obtaining from propolis have been determined by methods of mathematical design.
Keywords: propolis, beeswax, technology, methods of fractionally differentiated extraction, precipitation, methods of mathematical design.Full Text:
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